Are you planning a trip to Israel? Whether traveling solo, a couple, or in a group, follow these Israel travel guidelines to stay safe and have a great time whilst exploring this middle eastern gem!

Always carry adapters
Tourists commonly misplace electronics. Islam demands a three-round prong. No one looks up Israel travel recommendations before leaving, so they get stuck with the wrong plug. Pre-order one and keep it with you. You don't want to waste time looking for one in town or getting lost.
Most places serve 'Kosher' meals
Food is an essential rule in Israel. When asked what Kosher food is in Israel, they are religious, like Halal for Muslims. Kosher food is butchered as humanely as possible. That's a no-go with meat. The law is essential even though most younger Israelis don't follow it.
Pack and dress modestly
Visits to holy locations like Jerusalem or orthodox areas necessitate religious dress. Even if it's hot outside, wear t-shirts with short sleeves and long skirts or pants. You don't want a religious uproar. The best travel recommendations for Israel! If you forget, the holy women at the Western Wall do.
Expect a formal interview at the airport
Israel has had several problems in the past, so security is vital. Tourists will be interviewed upon entry. Who packed your luggage and for what purpose may be asked. A security check is quick, but an interview is not. Some people are inherently fearful, and your hesitation may mislead them. Before you go, double-check your answers. It's a great Israel travel tip.
Keep your airport visa/slip safe
Nobody knows if visiting Israel will prohibit you from other countries. Due to the threat, Israel does not stamp visitors' passports. To avoid the hassle, they issue you a paper visa. Keep the slip as proof of admission into the country. This slip is required at all crossings to your passport. Not to be stuck abroad.
Explore Tel Aviv at night
Tel Aviv is known for its nightlife. After a day of sightseeing, there are endless bars and eateries. If you enjoy the nightlife, make sure to visit Tel Aviv at night. Nightlife in Tel Aviv is vibrant, with illuminated bars and restaurants. If you want to avoid disappointment, go late at night to find decent locations to relax with a drink. There are unique bars and patios.
Prepare for Shabbat
On Friday and Saturday in Israel, Weekdays: Sunday to Thursday The Jewish Sabbath begins after dusk. Weekends are a holiday for companies and transit. Some secular businesses will remain open. Expect religious sites to close between 4-5 p.m. and reopen Saturday evening. So plan your route.
Use the many Monit Sheruts
Monit Sherut is a shared cab that seats ten. They link cities and drop off at crucial points. Find a monit sherut in your city or a new city. You can also be dropped off along the way. Taking a regular taxi would be way too costly; therefore, these shared taxis are ideal.
Fear not if you see the military in the streets
Soldiers walking the streets with guns is quite typical. Military service is mandatory for all genders; thus, you will undoubtedly see soldiers in uniform with weapons. Israel takes its security very seriously, so get used to it, even if it worries you first.
You will need to cut costs
Israel is more expensive than most expect. Shopping and dining are not cheap. To save money, shop at local markets, stay at motels that provide breakfast and take shared cabs or shuttles. Cash is always handy.
Also Read: Travel Israel